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(949) 933-2509Address
32356 S. Coast Hwy,Meet Heather
Heather has an expert understanding of real estate transactions and the escrow process. She diligently reviews transaction files daily with John, Giulietta, and the team, ensuring all documentation, timelines, contingencies, and negotiations are promptly and precisely addressed. To stay ahead, Heather proactively communicates with escrow agents, mortgage representatives, and inspection companies. Clients can rest assured that with Heather’s expertise, every transaction will flow smoothly, always prioritizing our client’s best interests.
Places buyers and sellers in an enviable position, as it allows for an intelligent preparation for the home sale and/or home buying process. Paired with our extensive knowledge of the local market and seasoned negotiating skills, we deliver positive results for our clients. Committed to make a measurable difference in every aspect of the transaction, our passion for people and properties shines through in every detail.